
@interface STSStreamingPrepareConfig : NSObject

A STSStreamingPrepareConfig object defines the prepare configuration of the stream manager.

  • The target size of the output video. Defaults to CGSizeZero. The width and height should both be the positive even number. If this property is set to CGSizeZero, the output video size will be calculated by the streaming manager according to property fitAllCamera, maxResolution and the aspect ratio of the preview view.



    @property (nonatomic, assign, unsafe_unretained, readwrite)
        CGSize targetOutputSize;


    var targetOutputSize: CGSize { get set }
  • A boolean value indicates if the size of the output video should fit all available cameras on the device. Defaults to YES. This property will be used only when targetOutputSize is equal to CGSizeZero. If this property is set to NO, the output video size will be limited by the max resolution of the current camera. If this property is set to YES, the output video size will be limited by the max resolution of all available cameras.



    @property (nonatomic, assign, unsafe_unretained, readwrite) BOOL fitAllCamera;


    var fitAllCamera: Bool { get set }
  • The max resolution of the output video. Defaluts to STSStreamingResolution720p. Both the width and the height of the output video will be limited by this value. This property will be used only when targetOutputSize is equal to CGSizeZero.



    @property (nonatomic, assign, unsafe_unretained, readwrite)
        STSStreamingResolution maxResolution;


    var maxResolution: STSStreamingResolution { get set }
  • The max video hieght of the output video. Defaluts to 720. The height of the output video will be limited by this value, and the width is limited by the calculated width based on maxVideoHeight and the aspect ratio of the previewView in STSStreamingManager. This value is usually as same as the profile in STSStreamingLiveEventConfig if you create a live event by iOS client SDK. This property will be used only when targetOutputSize is equal to CGSizeZero.



    @property (nonatomic, assign, unsafe_unretained, readwrite)
        NSUInteger maxVideoHeight;


    var maxVideoHeight: UInt { get set }
  • The orientation of the output video. Defaults to UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait.



    @property (nonatomic, assign, unsafe_unretained, readwrite)
        UIInterfaceOrientation outputImageOrientation;


    var outputImageOrientation: Int32 { get set }
  • The maximum video bitrate in bits per second. By default, no value is set and the SDK calculates the maximum bitrate automatically using an algorithm which considers the output video size. We recommend to set maxVideoBitrate to at least more than 100000.



    @property (nonatomic, assign, unsafe_unretained, readwrite)
        NSNumber *_Nonnull maxVideoBitrate;


    var maxVideoBitrate: NSNumber { get set }